Wednesday 15 December 2010

Neville Brody

Brody is a very famous typographer, design and brand strategist his work can be very simple in design. He is very flexible in his use of colour as in some of his work he uses just black and white and in other it is full of colour showing he is confident in using many mediums and ways of working to create stunning design work. His work draws your eye in to make you wonder why he did things in each design the way he did this is one thing that I envy as a designer my self.  I like all the style’s that brody has show on his website such as the designs using only pictures and even his typography ones usually typography doesn’t impress me that much because I feel that as long as you know the language your writing in you can create good typography. Typography is just knowing how to use text in ways to portray more than just the word its self and I feel that brody’s work does this aspect of typography a great justice and his work will inspire many people of the future to work with typography if not as there main source but as a experimental exercise.
 just two examples of brody's work

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