Wednesday 16 February 2011

Links for Capture Blog

z Stage 1: Investigating past and current practice in capture

z Stage 2: Planning yourcapture

z Stage 3:Exploringandexperimenting

z Stage 4: Completing your capture work

z Stage 5: Reviewing your own work

Evaluation of Capture

Evaluation of Capture
For my capture project I was given the task of creating a website of my chosen topic and therefore I picked something along the lines of my style such as Gothic or alternative styles. This was a type of project I have never done before and so when it came to making my website I felt challenged.

I have researched many things in this project from capturing graffiti to David Carson and Neville Brody all things I have researched have been inspiring I managed to take things from each to make my style of art a little more unique. In this project I had to find other ways of capturing things in my work because most of what I was doing could be gathered using simple internet skills however I drew vectors in illustrator and even spending hours looking through fonts that I might use in my work and other forms that I worked to incorporate into my work.

In completing my project I wrote up a time plan in excel and tried to keep to it so that I would at least have my website result at the end however upon finding the programs to create website completely alien due to lack of experience working with them before I decided to just make templates of my site instead of making it go live, this doesn’t affect my designing and if anything helped to make sure that I create a website that was ready to go live when I wanted it to.

I feel that I had many successes in this project, on a personal level I found a way of working that kept me keen and willing other than getting half way through an idea and finding a problem to then give up if I have accomplished nothing else in the project then that is enough. However I had successes in areas of art, I was able to look at other people’s work and find aspects of their art or even the way they worked that inspired me and helped me progress on my path to creating my own unique style of art. My main success though was my phoenix that I used in my logo, when I designed the phoenix it was on a practise experiment in illustrator that was never intended to be in a piece of work however while drawing I felt immersed into the design using the touché screen to flow feeling into the design and from something that was just meant to be practising with brushes on the program one of my favourite pieces of work was created.

In future projects I would like to find a way to re-design the phoenix into a more complex image even a character. I feel that it could be my signature to work and that I can adapt it subtly or even bluntly into work that just feels like me. Such as when people look at certain work and know it’s a certain artist I want people to see the phoenix and know that it’s my work.

My research in this project really had effects on the way I design my website pages lots of the aspects in the style of my work, consists of tribal patterns and using blacks greys  and subtle hints of colours such as reds and yellows. It’s very much the same with certain flare from each artist in the style, Hence me finding my phoenix to be my flare. Influencing my work was the Designers of Spiral clothing however names of these people I have yet to find but their clothing designs amazing me. so when making my work I had to stay with the colours but put my own take on it I didn’t want a standard alternative clothing site, I wanted my own clothing site.

I think if I did this project again I would make my website a working site and just simply re-design the tribal and layout of the site because looking back once I finished I started to find more and more things that I didn’t like but it was too late to change them. However I feel that finding the faults in my own work will help me in the future to look for them before they become unchangeable faults.

Evaluation of the overall project would be that in my project I have learnt a lot not just from my teachers and their helping but from my class the help and support we all give it each makes those problems a little easier to deal with. I have learnt much as an artist and as a person from this project and I will take these lessons with me through every career path if in the future I am lead away from my art.

Connor Stephens

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Site map

I created a site plan so that if my site went live it would be simple for me to create hyperlinks because i alrdy know where they should go and how it is hyperlinked.

The home page is the brand Logo and a page with have all the pages titles on the bottom tab and as you click to each page the tabs will in corporate the home page. The page would also include deals and more info about my site if it went live.

Time plan

This is the time plan that i designed in a lesson after chirstmas holidays i followed this time plan quite loosey because in some tasks i needed a little more than i allocated. however having this plan really helped me structure why work and keep me alot more focused than my last topic.

Monday 14 February 2011

Final Website pages

I have finished the templates of the website i plan to create and am quite happy with the way they turned out of course i would work into my designs and refine all of the current work if i am going to get my website up to a professional standard. That would make my website a  success.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

3D Text with photoshop reflective

Today we did a Demo that we made 3D text in to give it a reflection on the plain. we did this buy first creating black back ground then copying it. we put a gradient of with to transparent onto the layer in any direction we wanted.
Then Made a Text a layer of any words we wanted after we had merged and prepared each layer for 3D working we opened the 3D control panel in photoshop to rotate and add lighting effects and reflection
after the choas that created as our whole class had to render their end result we were done and it look like the last image.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Timeline of Events In Photography

The first permanent image was created by Joseph nicephore niepce. He used a camera obscura to create the image of his country house and the exposure took eight hours to create the image.
First image of a person by the painter chemist Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerra he left his camera obscura in the window of his apartment. Moving objects do not show up because they didn’t stay still long enough, however one unknowing man stopped to shine his shoe stayed still long enough to be captured.
First photographs of war in the Mexican- American war. Charles J Betts offers to photograph the dead and wounded however the officially recorded photo of war was in 1855-56.
First bird’s eye view image taking by Felix Tournachon combined his interests in aeronautics and photography by floating above Paris tethered to an air balloon to take this image.
First colour image taken by James Clerk Maxwell He did this by taking three images and filtering them through a red green and blue to create a multi coloured image.
First image of action taken by an English photographer by taking 12 images almost instantaneous therefore capturing the horse galloping.
First image of North Pole Robert E. Peary and his assistant, Matthew Henson, become the first people to reach, and photograph, the North Pole. Creating an amazing moment in history come to life.
First colour underwater Photo William Longley and Charles Martin use an Auto chrome camera and a raft full of explosive magnesium flash powder to illuminate the shallows of Florida's Dry Tortugas and make the first undersea colour photographs.
First high speed image taken by Harold Edgerton taken with his newly invented high-speed stroboscopic photography, freezing on film the rapid movements of nature that elude the eye.

First image taken from space. By johns Hopkins he did this by strapping a camera that took images every second and shot it into space. Thankfully when the camera fell back towards earth the steel cassette managed to keep the film unharmed.
Ocean Eye invented to help underwater Photography by Bates LittleHales the new housing that was created allowed a wider shot with wider lenses and allowed better pictures taken without the water distorting the image
First full colour Image!!!!!!!!

First Digital camera released by Kodak for commercial use. It came out and extremely high prices and was only truly worth the money if you were a professional photographer.
First Digital trap this consisted of a wireless strobes and a digital SLR Camera and a infrared remote camera trap.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

making wordle 3D on photoshop

today we took PNG files of 2 wordles and took them into photoshop and made each file into 3D layers then merged them down then using the rotate button we were able to rotate to image.