Wednesday 10 November 2010

Illustrator Experiment

Today we opened illustrator to get to grips with the interface and learnt what could be done on the program. this program has really stuck with me and i seem to pick it up very quickly and enjoy using it other than photoshop. i can also design everything in illustrator then move it to photoshop using export to then colour and tweak it slightly adding final touches.
I experimented on illustrator using the touch screen drawwing straight onto the canvas using the brush set up of chalk scribble i didnt have an idea what i wanted my end result to be but after messing it became clear that i could turn the shapes and fluid lines into something very interesting.
This was my image.

I then got told to add shapes and basic text to the image to show my understanding of shapes and tools in illustrator and i came up with this even though i prefer just the phoenix. i understand that i had to add to it to cover the shapes and show that i took everything in while the demo was being taught.

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