Wednesday 20 October 2010

Experiments with 3D max and Primitive shapes

Today While waiting for the lesson to begin i opened 3Dmax to have a look at the interface and try to use it with help. this was a very good idea because it means that i will practice 3Dmax for later use in the year.
i decided to use only primitive shapes in Max because i havent looked at molding shapes into my own shapes yet. I only used a Torus, Sphere, Box, Cylinder.
After gathering these shapes i started putting them into posistions not having a shape that i actaully wanted to create as an end image however i kept moving and experimenting and eventually came up with a final Robot like face cartoon that i happen to like. i feel i would like to experiment with 3Dmax more however i would also like to be shown the basics of molding and creating my own shapes not just moving primitive ones into a shape or a piece.

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