Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Website evaultion

I think that Wikipedia is actually I badly designed site it tends to give too many links and I feel you are always being sent away from the subject your trying to read about. However you can also say that it’s a good site due to its endless web of information. The layout of Wikipedia is extremely cluttered and can also confuse people in my opinion it just places the imformation on the page and lets you plow through it however i feel that the coloured boxes they are trying to use to draw the eye towards pieces of imformation and therefore put breaks in the endless text to allow easier reading actually creates a distraction i feel i was more drawn towards the colours behind the text actually then paired with the endless links within the text if you ever actually manage to read the text you want you end up on a completely different subject and have no idea how to get back to what your on the site for. This makes finding things on wikipedia difficult at first, then however you learn to completely stop clicking things on the site and just read then leave.

Google is an example of a very well design website combining simplicity with efficiency. Everyone finds google simple and effective for all needs on the internet. google's logo has become famous to everyone, if you have been on the internet you have probaly used google. This seems to add to the trust factor of google the design gives a sense of taking you by the hand and leading straight towards the information you are searching for. however some people when spelling words wrong can get frustrated because on the corrections, due to the fact that sometimes they are not related towards the searched thing.

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